Stephanie Beck


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"Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away."
My name is Stephanie Beck and I am 33 years old. I am married and have a 13 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 23rd, 1975.  I am an only child and was raised by my mother and stepfather. I grew up in a small town, Owensville, and lived in the same house my entire childhood. I went to the same school from kindergarten through graduation. It was great because most of the kids I went to school with had been there since they were little as well so we all knew grew up together. Growing up I loved music, and played the flute and piano. Some of my favorite memories when I was a teenager was crushing over a band called New Kids on the Block. My friends and I would watch them on tv and go to their concerts. We had so much fun! When I turned 16, I got my first job at a toy store in the mall. My parents divorced when I was 16 and I moved in with my mom at first but then came back to live with my dad.
I married my high school sweetheart after graduation in 1993 and due to his enlistment in the Air Force, we moved to Great Falls, Montana. I had never been away from home before, so it was exciting but also scary. I worked at a craft store and started taking classes at Montana State University. A little over a year later I was pregnant with my first child, Ashley. I quit my job and stayed at home to be with her. After my husband’s military duty was fulfilled in 1995, we moved back home to Cincinnati. I began working at a software company and we bought our first home. Seven years later we divorced and Ashley and I moved in with my dad while we sold our home. A year later, in 2004, Ashley and I moved into an apartment in Loveland, Ohio and started a new chapter in our lives. In August, 2006 I remarried and moved to Westwood. Ashley began school at St. Catharine when she was in fourth grade. In November, 2007 I had another child, a son named Colton. My husband has a step-son named Ricky so together we have three kids. Currently I am a stay at home mom and my husband and I are enjoying life together and watching our kids grow.

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